Season two: How can we get urgent climate action that is also just?

Yes! We are excited to kick off the second series of the People vs Inequality Podcast. This time we focus on climate justice. As the climate crisis is accelerating and inequalities are on the rise we ask: how can we get urgent climate action that is also just?

As always, we hear from inspiring changemakers about their work and stories. We dive into the different approaches they take, the choices they make and the obstacles they face. But also their hopes and dreams in making real change happen. We explore lessons and strategic questions for how to turn the tide. Should we be taking to the streets or lobby the halls of power? And how to come together across movements to make sure all voices are heard?

From communities in Kenya facing hunger and drought to Indigenous women seeing their forests cut down. From UK oil workers losing their jobs to young people across the globe worrying about their futures. Climate change is affecting everybody, but not in the same way. Those that have contributed least to the problem are often the same as those facing the hardest impacts. And are also the ones that are least heard.

The recent COP26 in Glasgow put these inequalities into sharp focus for the world. It also showed that the call for urgent action, to go ‘beyond the blah blah’ is growing. And that movements are coming together to make sure people’s voices are heard. We are at a critical moment in time.

In the words of our first guest Elizabeth Wathuti we need "everyone to become a climate justice activist. Every action and every voice counts." But also "we need to get it right".

Whether you are a veteran activist or only just getting started, join us to take this moment and explore how we can turn the tide for a more just, equal and sustainable world.

You find our episodes on your favorite channel or here.



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