Food justice: A quick recap, update and call to action
As we are about to take a care break, we share some updates, reflections and a call for support. And invite you to stay tuned for more People vs Inequality & food justice! These were only some of the headlines in the news as we kicked off our food justice series earlier this year. The food price and hunger crisis is real. So are the inequality and climate crisis that are so closely linked. The good news is this is increasingly recognized - at least in some circles. A recent report by the High Level Panel on Food and Nutrition Security found that it "is essential to understand that inequalities in FSN and its #foodsystems drivers are underpinned by deeper systemic drivers" and that these need to be addressed. "Systemic drivers frequently act to widen pre-existing inequalities as the most vulnerable are least able to cope or adapt." says lead author B. Shankar. The bad news is we still see a lot of business as usual in spaces of power. The UN Food Systems Summ...